It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the OXFORD INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. When we mention education, it weaves a simple picture in our mind of a student learning and a teaching, but education is beyond the classical paper-pencil-blackboard theory. It has evolved into the giant wheel that has many spokes such as personality management, time management competing beyond boundaries etc. We at oxford have strive hard to propagate our age old theory to impart quality education at affordable price to able scholars who seek excellence in their pursuit for an indomitable career.
I extend a very heartly welcome to you as a parent who has shown interest in OXFORD SCHOOL The major driving force behind my taking up of this school project has been the mixed experiences of a variety of parents with regard to boarding school’s in the country and this gave me an opportunity closely examine the many features of our existing boarding school system.
We have a talented, dedicated, caring team of staff, each of whom works very hard to ensure that the abilities of children in our care are nurtured and carefully developed. Our teachers and teaching assistants are experienced and work as a team to make the school a very special place, everyday, for your child.
“If the face of India has to change ever then it cannot be attained without proper and quality education being imparted to everyone without any discrimination…”